Impact of The Work

  • Save Elephant Foundation Trust through relentless effort over a period of 8 years have been able to ensure some encouraging results, some of which are given below.

    1. Trust deficit between depredation affected people and forest officials has been bridged up to a great extent through repeated meetings and interaction.
    2. Stake holders are gradually coming closer for a combined, coordinated and concerted action to combat the challenges of conflict resolution due to catalytic role played by trust.
    3. Decreasing trend has been started in casualty of human/ elephant so also crop/ house damage in the area where Hati Sathi Vahini operating in Khuntuni & Athgarh ranges of Athgarh Division.
    4. People of depredation ravaged area have started to realize the ground reality and indispensability for conservation of forest & wildlife through regular awareness campaign by the trust.